Priestly Blessing Adillion | State Medal set in 14K Gold and Silver Jewelry
״May G-d bless you and keep you. May G-d shine his countenance upon you and may he be gracious to you. May G-d lift his countenance apon you and may he give you peace״. This is G-d's blessing for His people, conveyed through the Cohenim, the priests, from the time of Aaron and his sons, who were the first to be commanded by G-d to pronounce the blessings (Numbers 6:22-26). From the time of Aaron, until today, the Cohenim, their hands uplifted, have continued to bless the people with this same blessing.
Silver Necklace with Silver ″Priestly Blessing″ Medal
Silver Necklace with Silver ″Priestly Blessing″ Medal
14K Gold ″Priestly Blessing″ Medal Pendant
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14K Gold Necklace with ″Priestly Blessing″ Gold Medal